Disciplinary employment solicitors

Disciplinary & grievance issues

It is unfortunately the case that employees will sometimes become involved in disciplinary and/or grievance related issues. Our expert multi award-winning lawyers can guide you through the process and secure the best possible outcome for you.

Disciplinary Issues

We offer legal advice to employees who are faced with having to deal with a disciplinary hearing or process. We appreciate and understand that employees often need independent advice and support when facing a disciplinary situation.

The advice that we provide covers all aspects of the disciplinary process including:

  • Assisting you in preparing for the hearing
  • Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of your case
  • Advice in relation to appeals
  • Employment tribunal claims
  • Negotiating an exit or settlement agreement
  • Grievance hearings

    Our team can assist you with drafting your grievance and preparing for your grievance hearing. We will also provide you with a legal analysis concerning the issues prior to you deciding whether you wish to raise a formal grievance and ultimately represent you in relation to any subsequent employment tribunal claims.

    If you would like to speak to one of our disciplinary and grievance solicitors, call us on 0333 323 5292 or send us an enquiry via the form on this page.

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